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dla studentów, dla instytucji naukowych, Our activities
19.12.2024 12:00 pm - 19.12.2024 1:30 pm
IDEAS NCBR / online
On Dec. 19, join IDEAS NCBR for research seminar with Professor Jun Pang (University of Luxembourg).

Title: Structural Inference of Dynamical Systems: Recent Development and Future Directions

Abstract: Dynamical systems are pervasive and critical in understanding phenomena across various domains, from the majestic dance of celestial bodies governed by gravity to the subtle ballet of chemical reactions. In the quest to unravel the complexities of dynamical systems, the initial imperative is to unveil their inherent structure, a key determinant of system organization. Achieving this necessitates the deployment of structural inference methods capable of deriving this structure from observed system behaviors. In this talk, I will give an overview on recent development of deep learning based methods for structural inference of dynamical systems, in particular methods based on variational auto-encoder (VAE). Through  a comprehensive benchmarking study, I will present some key findings and iscuss future research directions.

Short Bio: Prof. Jun Pang received his PhD from Free University Amsterdam. He currently works in the Computer Science Department at the University of Luxembourg, and he is also a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies within the University of Luxembourg. He has long been devoted to research in formal methods, security and privacy, systems biology, and graph machine learning.

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