6 czerwca o godz. 14:00 w naszej siedzibie i na platformie Zoom odbędzie się wykład prof. Przemysława Musialskiego „Exploring the Horizon: Neural Fields in Computer Graphics and Beyond”. Zapraszamy!
Prof. Przemysław Musialski jest liderem nowej grupy badawczej w IDEAS NCBR zajmującej się grafiką komputerową. W swoim wystąpieniu przedstawi możliwości wykorzystania sztucznej inteligencji (uczenie głębokie, sieci neuronowe, pola neuronowe) w pracy z grafiką.
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Tytuł: „Exploring the Horizon: Neural Fields in Computer Graphics and Beyond”
This presentation first gives a brief introduction to computer graphics as a scientific discipline as well as its application fields. Further, it offers a fast forward from the basics of computer graphics to the cutting-edge technology of neural fields and their transformative potential in video games and computer-generated imagery (CGI) production. Starting with an overview of traditional computer graphics, we quickly transition to the role of deep learning and neural networks as function approximators. Further, we focus on neural fields, aka implicit neural representations (INR), demonstrating their ability to predict properties of complex high-dimensional data, thereby revolutionizing rendering and modeling capabilities. The culmination of this exploration addresses the practical applications and implications of neural fields to the CGI and video game markets. Finally, through this presentation, we illustrate the future of computer graphics, where neural fields offer not just an advancement but a potential paradigm shift in creating digital visual content.
Przemyslaw Musialski is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA. His research interests are geometric modeling, geometry processing, computer graphics, and digital fabrication. He develops new algorithmic solutions that help designers create products directly on the computer, averting the need to manufacture preliminary prototypes. Before joining NJIT, he headed the Computational Fabrication group at the Center for Geometry and Computational Design (GCD) at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in Austria, where he also was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry. Prior to that, he was a researcher at VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization in Vienna, a postdoctoral scholar at Arizona State University, a postdoctoral associate at Computer Graphics at TU Wien, and a visiting research scientist at Visual Computing Center at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). He obtained the MSc degree in Media Sciences in 2007 from the Bauhaus University Weimar in Germany and the PhD degree in Computer Science in 2010 from the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) in Austria.