29 czerwca o godz. 12:00 w naszej siedzibie i na platformie Zoom odbędzie się seminarium badawcze z udziałem prof. Jakoba N. Kathera, który wygłosi wykład „AI biomarkers in precision oncology”. Zapraszamy!
Profesor Jakob N. Kather jest profesorem Klinicznej Sztucznej Inteligencji na Uniwersytecie Technicznym w Dreźnie. Swój wykład poświęci zastosowaniu sztucznej inteligencji w onkologii w zakresie precyzyjnych biomarkerów onkologicznych.
W wydarzeniu można uczestniczyć online.
Abstract: Precision oncology requires complex biomarkers which are often based on molecular and genetic tests of tumor tissue. For many of these tests, universal implementation in clinical practice is limited. However, for virtually every cancer patient, tissue slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) are available. Artificial intelligence (AI) can extract biomarkers for better treatment decisions from these images. This talk will summarize the state of the art of AI in oncology for precision oncology biomarkers. It will cover the technical foundations, emerging use cases and established applications which are available for clinical use already.
Bio: Jakob N. Kather is Professor of Clinical AI at Technical University Dresden, leading the department of Clinical Artificial Intelligence at Else Kroener Fresenius Center for Digital Health. As a physician, he specializes in Internal Medicine and gastrointestinal oncology. As a researcher, he focuses on deep learning for immunotherapy biomarkers in cancer. His recent papers include „Deep learning can predict microsatellite instability directly from histology in gastrointestinal cancer” (Nature Medicine, 2019), „Swarm learning for decentralized artificial intelligence in cancer histopathology” (Nature Medicine, 2022). Read more at https://jnkather.github.io/