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07.02 o godz. 14:00 w naszej siedzibie (Varso Tower ul. Chmielna 69) odbędzie się wykład Roi Porane, zatytułowany: Immersive Teleoperation for Robotic Manipulation.

Udział w wydarzeniu jest darmowy, będzie prowadzona również transmisja online.

ID: 470 348 5582

Passcode: 727039

Roi Poranne is an assistant professor at the University of Haifa, Israel. His research interests are mainly related to geometry processing, mixed reality, digital fabrication, and robotics, focusing on interactive applications.

Lecture description: Despite popular depictions, robots remain limited in their ability to autonomously solve complex tasks. Thus, many industries attempt to enable “shared autonomy” – a combination of human and robot intelligence – in order to perform tasks. I will present an approach based on immersive teleoperation – the use of immersive technologies, such as mixed reality headsets, to control robots. I will talk about the pros and cons of this approach, such as embodiment and agency, and suggest a few ways to fix it.

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