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12.04 o godz. 13:00 w naszej siedzibie (Varso Tower ul. Chmielna 69) odbędzie się wykład Przemysława Kornatowskiego, zatytułowany ” Dronistics – Safe drone delivery system for person-to-person last-centimeter delivery”. Wydarzenie jest darmowe, ale z uwagi na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc wymagana jest rejestracja.

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Meeting ID: 814 8177 7604

Passcode 672720

Delivery drones have gained popularity because they deliver packages faster and cost-effectively than traditional transportation methods. However, logistics companies often prioritize large platforms for long-range and last-mile deliveries rather than direct delivery to individual consumers. These drones have limitations, such as safety concerns, storage and portability issues, limited adaptability to parcels of varying sizes, and lack of user-friendliness. To overcome these limitations, the start-up Dronistics has developed a safe and innovative system for person-to-person and short-range deliveries, including delivery to windows and balconies.

Speaker’s BIO
Dr. Przemysław Mariusz Kornatowski defended his Ph.D. at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland in January 2020. His dissertation topic was related to folding flying robots used to transport small packages directly to human hands in urban areas. After obtaining his Ph.D., he focused on his start-up, Dronistics (
In June 2015, he was the laureate of the Polish edition of the “Innovators Under 35” competition organized by MIT Technology Review ( From 2012 to 2015, he worked at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland as an engineer, designing and building drones for the project “GimBall: A resilient flying robot for semiautonomous operation in cluttered environments.” ( In February 2015, the robot “GimBall” won a million dollars in the competition “The UAE Drones for Good” ( for being the best civilian drone saving lives.

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