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Join the online information meeting for final year students in the field of computer science, who are considering continuing their education at doctoral schools in Poland, as well as potential promoters. The meeting on September 7 at 17:00 will be devoted to the new research group of Przemysław Musialski, who conducts research on computer graphics.

The meeting is aimed at presenting the topics of doctoral theses to be implemented in the academic year 2023/2024 by assistant supervisors on behalf of the IDEAS NCBR.

Przemysław Musialski, a professor of computer science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, became the leader of the “Computer Graphics” research group. More about the new research group

Temat: Webinar for candidates for doctoral schools, September 7

To join the meeting, click here:

Meeting ID: 895 8587 6108

Access code: 749121

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