ELIAS builds on and expands the highly successful and internationally recognized ELLIS Society (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). ELIAS will further develop the excellence criteria and the pillars in ELLIS and implement actions that will support AI researchers and young talents at different stages of their careers. Also, ELIAS will develop a Sciencentrepreneurship track, with the purpose of attracting and empowering talents at the interface of scientific innovation and business and establish original AI solutions that move towards a sustainable long-term future for our planet, contribute to a cohesive society, and respect individual rights.
How will IDEAS NCBR as a research and development center contribute to the ELIAS project?
‘We will focus on technology transfer between research centers and the business community,’ says Tomasz Trzcinski, leader of Zero-Waste machine learning in computer vision research group at IDEAS NCBR.
‘One of our tasks will be to organize a hackathon, the purpose of which will be to build a platform for automatically generating a history of technology transfer and entrepreneurial activities of scientists and striving to integrate it into existing career tools such as LinkedIn or ResearchGate. The hackathon will be organized as a hybrid weekly event to broaden the pool of participating teams. The winners will be selected by a jury composed of renowned specialists in the field of technology transfer, recognized entrepreneurs and scientists during the final event at the IDEAS NCBR headquarters in Warsaw.’
Stay in touch for more info about this project!