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Last week, Marcin Przewięźlikowski, Damian Sójka and Filip Szatkowski, PhD students at IDEAS NCBR, took part in the ELLIS Winter School on Foundation Models at Amsterdam.

‘The school featured an exceptional line-up of speakers from academia and industry. Some of the highlights are Sepp Hochreiter, the father of LSTM networks, and Max Welling – the inventor of Variational Autoencoders.’

It was time to learn about the newest advances in LLMs, computer vision, multi-modal architectures, and self-supervised learning, meet leading ML researchers and professionals and take a tour of the city’s canals.

Marcin presented the paper he co-authored with Mateusz Pyla, Bartosz Zieliński, Bartlomiej Twardowski, Jacek Tabor and Marek Śmieja.

‘Events such as this are an exciting opportunity to raise our heads above our daily research topics and sink in some broader knowledge about the latest Machine Learning advances.’

Since 2023, IDEAS NCBR is a part of ELLIS Society.

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