Krzysztof Walas graduated from Poznan University of Technology (PUT) in Poland, obtaining an MSc in Automatic Control and Robotics. He received a PhD in Robotics in 2012 (with honors) for his thesis on legged robot locomotion in structured environments. He completed his Postdoc at The University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science, Intelligent Robotics Laboratory. He is a recipient of the LIDER project from the National Center for Research and Development and was a Principal Investigator (PI) in the THING project on subterranean legged locomotion within Horizon 2020. He also serves as a PI in the REMODEL project on deformable object manipulation within Horizon 2020. Presently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at PUT, Poland and leader of the Physical Interaction Robotics research team at IDEAS NCBR. His research interests revolve around robotic perception for physical interaction, applied to both walking and grasping tasks.
ELLIS is a pan-European AI network of excellence. It builds upon machine learning as the driver for modern AI and aims to secure lasting international leadership of AI made in Europe by connecting top researchers in this field and by creating a multi-centric AI research laboratory. Founded in 2018, ELLIS has grown into a network that counts 41 ELLIS units at world-class institutions in 16 countries, 16 ELLIS programs and a pan-European PhD program. The members of ELLIS are committed to shaping the future of AI in Europe by pushing the scientific and technological boundaries for human-centered, beneficial and safe AI. Read more