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Zespół badawczy „Algorytmy w autonomicznych UAV” pracuje nad zbudowaniem całkowicie autonomicznych dronów. Obejrzyj film na temat badań w IDEAS NCBR!

Drone research is an area where you can really touch #AI.

Watch the video featuring “Algorithms in autonomous UAVs” research team at IDEAS NCBR, led by Karol Pieniący!

“(…) we want to integrate data from various sensors mounted on drones in order to optimize the drone’s flight and get closer to building fully autonomous UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). This will allow drones to fly in a more effective and safer way, so that they can avoid obstacles, choose the best path to the target, perform tasks, and receive feedback in real time without human intervention. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions, we want to analyze data from sensors on an ongoing basis on board the drone and for the robot to independently correct its flight thanks to this information.”

Read also interview with Karol on our website (Polish language):

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