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In November 2023, IDEAS NCBR becomes a member of the ELLIS Society - European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems.

In November 2023, IDEAS NCBR became a member of the ELLIS Society – European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems. It is a network of leading research centers that join the organization through a specialized accession process based on criteria, the most important of which is research excellence. ELLIS brings together over 40 research units (ELLIS Units) in several European countries and Israel. Membership in this network is an international confirmation of the research excellence of the scientific activities at the IDEAS NCBR. Thanks to this, PhD students, postdocs, and leading researchers working in Warsaw benefit from efficient computing infrastructure, training, new business contacts, and networking.

The organization includes over 1,000 leading artificial intelligence and machine learning researchers working on our continent. Its mission is to integrate outstanding scientists and develop scientific cooperation in the field of AI. The members of the ELLIS Society are Piotr Sankowski, Tomasz Trzciński, Tomasz Michalak, Piotr Miłoś, Bartosz Zieliński, and Łukasz Kuciński, associated with IDEAS NCBR.

ELLIS Unit Warsaw is being established at IDEAS NCBR – a team led by Tomasz Trzciński, leader of the “Zero-waste machine learning in computer vision” research group. This is a significant distinction for a young institution like IDEAS NCBR. Thanks to establishing close cooperation, Polish scientists will be able to, among other things, conduct joint research with other members of ELLIS centers, participate in the ELLIS Society doctoral education program, as well as use the computing infrastructure, training, and networking.

ELLIS Unit Warsaw will mainly focus on research in the following areas: (1) Intelligent Algorithms and Learned Data Structures, (2) Efficient and Sustainable Machine Learning Focused on Computer Vision, (3) Machine Learning and Sequential Decision-Making, (4) Algorithmic Game Theory in Security, (5) Interpretable Artificial Intelligence, (6) Autonomous Agents and Alignment of Language Models.

Pre-NeurIPS 2024